The Observatory is a service oriented resource centre and a regional coordinating and monitoring body for a network of experts and institutions involved in policy and decision making, cultural administration and management as well as research, training and information.
One of its most important objectives is to collect and make easily accessible all kind of information that may be useful for decision makers, cultural institutions, organizations and networks as well as cultural specialists (researchers, organizers and entrepreneurs) in Africa.
To this effect OCPA is developing various information services, including a documentation centre. To facilitate its development, please
Documents can be sent in printed and/or in electronic version, in English and French, or in Arabic, Portuguese and Swahili.
OCPA Secretariat, c/o Lupwishi Mbuyamba, 11 Rua Comandante Augusto Cardoso, P. O. Box 1207, Maputo, Mozambique; tel: +258 21 301015; fax: +258 21 312272; e-mail:
The documents may also be sent through diplomatic bag services to:
OCPA Secretariat, c/o UNESCO Maputo Office, 515, Av. Friedrich Engels, CP. 1397, Maputo, Mozambique; tel.: +258 21 493 434, fax: +258 21 493 431; e-mail: